LARGEST selection of vinyls in Los Angeles, fake furs, utility fabrics. Sewing notions available, ie: thread, welt, needles. SPECIALIZING in custom cushions, pillows, RV cushions, outdoor cushions and stunt pads. Bean bags, 3M, Barge & Quickstick. FOAM PRODUCTS ARE OUR SPECIALTY!!! All your foam needs for sculpting, special effects, & sets. Urethane foam, Styrofoam, Square edge, L200-600, Ensolite, Volara, Acoustical Foam, Polyethylene, Reticulated foam.
• Open 5 days a week, Closed Sat and Sun
• Quantity discounts available
• Ask for our Line Card - website
• Serving the industry since 1963.
Information or Customer Service: 1-800 9GET-FOAM
Also Listed in: Sewing Supplies & Notions