FOAM PRODUCTS ARE OUR SPECIALTY!!! All your foam needs for sculpting, special effects, sets. Custom case inserts, Urethane foam, Styrofoam (large and small blocks available), Square edge, Large or Small Sheets, Eva Foam, L200-600, Ensolite (stunt pad foam 1/8" - 1 1/4" thickness - specializing in Jiu Jitsu studio built outs, Volara, Acoustical Foam, Polyethylene, Reticulated foam, largest selection of vinyls in Los Angeles, fake furs, utility fabrics. Specializing in custom cushions, pillows, RV cushions, outdoor cushions and stunt mats, also restuffing. Custom foam orders welcome. Bean bags, 3M, Barge, Quickstick. Line card available.
• Open 5 days a week - Closed Sat and Sun
• Quantity discounts available
• Serving the industry since 1963.
Information or Customer Service: 1-800 9GET-FOAM