Steven and Michael Barney, known as "The Bug Brothers," have joined the ranks of Animal Casting - Atlanta's vast array of talent. ACA's already impressive insect credits include the fly seen in the Apollo space capsule for Damian Chazelle's First Man, along with the spider's in Harry Melling's gripping church sermon in the recent NETFLIX release, Devil All the Time. With over 20 years experience in entomology, the Bug Brothers bring their expertise and a wide variety of exotic insects to the ACA talent table! Contact Animal Casting - Atlanta for more information.
Specializing in performance dogs, cats and other domestics for film, television commercials, music videos, and print. Over 20 years of professional handling experience and more than 2,000 animals nationwide.
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Also Listed in: Animals / Animal Wranglers / Animal Actors
See Additional Listings: Animals / Animal Wranglers / Animal Actors, Studios / Soundstage Rentals, Green Screen Stages / Cycloramas, Studios / Soundstage Rentals in Georgia, Green Screen Stages / Cycloramas in Georgia, Studios / Soundstage Rentals in New York, Green Screen Stages / Cycloramas in New York, Animals / Animal Wranglers / Animal Actors in Georgia, Animals / Animal Wranglers / Animal Actors in Nevada